
View and configure routing for the FTD device, including VRFs, static routes, OSPF and BGP.


class firepyer.Fdm

Gets the device’s general BGP settings if any are set


The BGPGeneralSettings object or None if none are set

Return type


>>> fdm.get_bgp_general_settings()
{'aggregateTimer': 30,
 'asNumber': '65500',
 'asnotationDot': False,
 'bgpBestPath': {'alwaysCompareMed': False,
                 'bestPathCompareRouterId': False,
                 'bestPathMedMissingAsWorst': False,
                 'defaultLocalPreferenceValue': 100,
                 'deterministicMed': False,
                 'type': 'bgpbestpath'},
 'bgpGracefulRestart': None,
 'bgpNextHopTriggerDelay': 5,
 'bgpNextHopTriggerEnable': True,
 'bgpTimers': {'holdTime': 180,
               'keepAlive': 60,
               'minHoldTime': 0,
               'type': 'bgptimers'},
 'description': None,
 'enforceFirstAs': True,
 'fastExternalFallOver': True,
 'id': '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc',
 'links': {'self': ''},
 'logNeighborChanges': True,
 'maxasLimit': None,
 'name': 'BgpGeneralSettings',
 'routerId': None,
 'scanTime': 60,
 'transportPathMtuDiscovery': True,
 'type': 'bgpgeneralsettings',
 'version': 'omg123ffsabcd'}
set_bgp_general_settings(asn: str, name='BgpGeneralSettings', description=None, router_id=None) → dict

Set the device’s general BGP settings

  • asn (str) – The AS number for the BGP process

  • name (str, optional) – A name for the settings, defaults to ‘BgpGeneralSettings’

  • description (str, optional) – A description for the settings, defaults to None

  • router_id (str, optional) – A router ID for the BGP process, defaults to None


The BGPGeneralSettings object instance created

Return type


>>> fdm.set_bgp_general_settings(asn='65500')
{'aggregateTimer': 30,
 'asNumber': '65500',
 'asnotationDot': False,
 'bgpBestPath': {'alwaysCompareMed': False,
                 'bestPathCompareRouterId': False,
                 'bestPathMedMissingAsWorst': False,
                 'defaultLocalPreferenceValue': 100,
                 'deterministicMed': False,
                 'type': 'bgpbestpath'},
 'bgpGracefulRestart': None,
 'bgpNextHopTriggerDelay': 5,
 'bgpNextHopTriggerEnable': True,
 'bgpTimers': {'holdTime': 180,
               'keepAlive': 60,
               'minHoldTime': 0,
               'type': 'bgptimers'},
 'description': None,
 'enforceFirstAs': True,
 'fastExternalFallOver': True,
 'id': '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc',
 'links': {'self': ''},
 'logNeighborChanges': True,
 'maxasLimit': None,
 'name': 'BgpGeneralSettings',
 'routerId': None,
 'scanTime': 60,
 'transportPathMtuDiscovery': True,
 'type': 'bgpgeneralsettings',
 'version': 'omg123ffsabcd'}

Get the BGP settings for a specifc VRF or the default (Global)


vrf (str, optional) – Name of a VRF to get the BGP settings, defaults to ‘Global’


The BGPSettings object or None if none are set

Return type


>>> fdm.get_bgp_settings()
{'addressFamilyIPv4': {'afTableMap': None,
                       'aggregateAddressesIPv4s': [],
                       'aggregateTimer': 30,
                       'autoSummary': False,
                       'bgpNextHopTriggerDelay': 5,
                       'bgpNextHopTriggerEnable': True,
                       'bgpRedistributeInternal': False,
                       'bgpSupressInactive': False,
                       'defaultInformationOrginate': False,
                       'distance': {'externalDistance': 20,
                                    'internalDistance': 200,
                                    'localDistance': 200,
                                    'type': 'afbgpdistance'},
                       'distributeLists': [],
                       'injectMaps': [],
                       'maximumPaths': None,
                       'neighbors': [],
                       'networks': [],
                       'redistributeProtocols': [],
                       'scanTime': 60,
                       'synchronization': False,
                       'type': 'afipv4'},
 'links': {'self': ''},
 'name': 'bgp-general',
 'routerId': None,
 'type': 'bgp',
 'version': 'omg123ffsabcd'}
set_bgp_settings(asn, name='', description=None, router_id=None, vrf='Global', af=4, auto_summary=False, neighbours=[], networks=[], default_originate=False) → dict

Configures BGP settings for the give (or default) VRF

  • asn (str) – The AS Number of the BGP process, MUST be the same as in the BGPGeneralSettings

  • name (str, optional) – Name for the BGPSettings, MUST be unique across the device, defaults to ‘VRFNAME-BGPSettings’

  • description (str, optional) – Description for the BGPSettings, defaults to None

  • router_id (str, optional) – A router ID for the BGP process, defaults to None

  • vrf (str, optional) – Name of the VRF to configure BGP in, defaults to ‘Global’

  • af (int, optional) – BGP Address-Family to use, should be either [4, 6], defaults to 4

  • auto_summary (bool, optional) – Automatically summarise subnet routes to network routes, defaults to False

  • neighbours (list, optional) – Neighbours to add to the BGP process, each neighbour in the list should be a dict in format {“remoteAs”: “65001”, “activate”: True, “ipv4Address”: “”}, defaults to []

  • networks (list, optional) – Names of NetworkObjects to add to as networks into the BGP, defaults to []

  • default_originate (bool, optional) – Enable or disable default originate for BGP, defaults to False


The BGPSettings object instance created

Return type



class firepyer.Fdm
get_ospf_settings(vrf='Global') → List[dict]

Get the OSPF settings for a specifc VRF or the default (Global)


vrf (str, optional) – Name of a VRF to get the OSPF settings, defaults to ‘Global’


List of all OSPFSettings objects, one per process ID

Return type


>>> fdm.get_ospf_settings()
[{'areas': [{'areaId': '0',
             'areaNetworks': [{'ipv4Network': {'id': '00f7b297-4d44-11eb-9e04-13721b05d633',
                                               'name': 'any-ipv4',
                                               'type': 'networkobject',
                                               'version': 'kxd2dzxm2gtwn'},
                               'tagInterface': None,
                               'type': 'areanetwork'}],
             'areaRanges': [],
             'areaType': None,
             'authentication': None,
             'defaultCost': None,
             'filterList': [],
             'type': 'area',
             'virtualLinks': []}],
  'description': '',
  'filterRules': [],
  'id': '2edf8a2a-7948-11eb-b948-7146721ce7c1',
  'links': {'self': ''},
  'logAdjacencyChanges': {'logType': 'DETAILED', 'type': 'logadjacencychanges'},        
  'name': 'OSPF-Settings',
  'neighbors': [],
  'processConfiguration': {'administrativeDistance': {'external': 110,
                                                      'interArea': 110,
                                                      'intraArea': 110,
                                                      'type': 'administrativedistance'},
                           'defaultInformationOriginate': None,
                           'ignoreLsaMospf': False,
                           'nsfGracefulRestart': None,
                           'rfc1583Compatible': None,
                           'routerId': '',
                           'timers': {'floodPacing': 33,
                                      'lsaArrival': 1000,
                                      'lsaGroup': 240,
                                      'lsaThrottleTimer': {'initialDelay': 0,
                                                           'maximumDelay': 5000,        
                                                           'minimumDelay': 5000,        
                                                           'type': 'lsathrottletimer'}, 
                                      'retransmission': 66,
                                      'spfThrottleTimer': {'initialDelay': 5000,
                                                           'maximumWaitTime': 10000,
                                                           'minimumHoldTime': 10000,
                                                           'type': 'spfthrottletimer'},
                                      'type': 'timers'},
                           'type': 'processconfiguration'},
  'processId': '1',
  'redistributeProtocols': [],
  'summaryAddresses': [],
  'type': 'ospf',
  'version': 'bkgiho4cwbm4l'}]


class firepyer.Fdm
get_vrfs(name='', must_find: bool = False)

Gets all VRFs or a single VRF if a name is provided

  • name (str, optional) – The name of a VRF to find, defaults to ‘’

  • must_find (bool, optional) – Specifies if an exception should be raised if the resource isn’t found, defaults to False


A list of all VRFs if no name is provided, or a dict of the single VRF with the given name

Return type


>>> fdm.get_vrfs()
[{'description': "Customer A's VRF",
  'id': '67e4d858-503d-11eb-aab5-2921a41f8ca3',
  'interfaces': [{'hardwareName': 'GigabitEthernet0/2',
                  'id': 'aeb5b238-4d44-11eb-9e04-cd44159d2943',
                  'name': 'customer_a',
                  'type': 'physicalinterface',
                  'version': 'nh7piq3rw7pzs'}],
  'isSystemDefined': False,
  'links': {'self': ''},
  'name': 'Customer-A',
  'type': 'virtualrouter',
  'version': 'crdwtc44cg5pu'},
 {'description': "Customer B's VRF",
  'id': '7360254c-503d-11eb-aab5-41ec0935f001',
  'interfaces': [{'hardwareName': 'GigabitEthernet0/3',
                  'id': 'afb288c9-4d44-11eb-9e04-41c0f86d8474',
                  'name': 'customer_b',
                  'type': 'physicalinterface',
                  'version': 'ocdhtp76zpfzz'}],
  'isSystemDefined': False,
  'links': {'self': ''},
  'name': 'Customer-B',
  'type': 'virtualrouter',
  'version': 'nl7onsmfqdujm'},
 {'description': 'This is a Global Virtual Router',
  'id': '42e95fbf-fd5a-42bf-a95f-bffd5a42bfd6',
  'interfaces': [{'hardwareName': 'Management0/0',
                  'id': 'b0b5a0ea-4d44-11eb-9e04-43089048338b',
                  'name': 'diagnostic',
                  'type': 'physicalinterface',
                  'version': 'inmqiea7woymm'},
                 {'hardwareName': 'GigabitEthernet0/1',
                  'id': 'ad6a9497-4d44-11eb-9e04-63d0b1958967',
                  'name': 'inside',
                  'type': 'physicalinterface',
                  'version': 'eqotynhtlcuyf'},
                 {'hardwareName': 'GigabitEthernet0/0',
                  'id': '8d6c41df-3e5f-465b-8e5a-d336b282f93f',
                  'name': 'outside',
                  'type': 'physicalinterface',
                  'version': 'h4kqp4iu2yvff'}],
  'isSystemDefined': True,
  'links': {'self': ''},
  'name': 'Global',
  'type': 'virtualrouter',
  'version': 'cna3vbajed6et'}]